A 501(c)3 Organization. Text HOOFSTEPS to 850-757-2920 to make a DONATION today!

Located in Crestview, Florida

Healing Hoof Steps Equine Assisted Mental Health Counseling and Therapeutic Riding 

Insightful Videos

Mental health counseling sessions are provided by licensed mental health professionals using evidence-based psychotherapy techniques in an immersive, outdoor setting that may or may not include horses, donkeys, or other farm animals.   Mental health counseling sessions do not utilize riding of any sort to accomplish a clients clinical goal.   The horses and environment help to provide powerful metaphors for over-coming life's most difficult challenges.   All of our licensed professionals are EAGALA Certified (www.eagala.org).  This alternative approach to traditional in-office counseling has assisted many individuals in obtaining the results sought from counseling.  Horse knowledge or experience is not required to benefit from these sessions.  Counseling sessions are (1) hour in duration and occur in a spacious, private pasture with a working herd of equines.  Services for ages 5 years old and up.

Winter Term: January 13th - March 15th (9 weeks) AM/PM Lessons Available

Spring Term:  April 1st- May 24th (8 weeks) AM/PM Lessons Available

Summer Term 1: June 10th-July 12th (4 weeks) AM/PM Lessons Available

Summer Term 2: August 5th-30th (4 weeks) AM/PM Lessons Available

​Fall Term: September 23rd- November 15th (8 Weeks)  AM/PM Lessons Available

Holiday Term:  December Camps TBD

"What makes a horse therapeutic?"

The EAGALA Model uses a treatment team consisting of a licensed mental health provider, a Certified Equine Specialist and horses.  Watch to learn how a typical session looks.

​​​​2025 Therapeutic Riding Terms  Tuesday- Saturday Lessons

 4 Week Month Riding Tuition $225 Billed Automatically or $250 by check

Therapeutic Riding Program Application, letter of medical necessity from a licensed professional (Counselor/Doctor), and Sports Physical Required for ALL RIDERS

Email forms to Susan@healinghoofsteps.org or call 850-736-4110 for more information

Veterans Services

  • P.T.S.D.
  • T.B.I
  • Reintegration

EAGALA provides services for Active Duty and Veterans of all branches of our Armed Forces. Watch and learn how horses are helping the healing process.


MANE POWER Corporate Team Building Workshops

  • Working as a cohesive team
  • Identify/Overcome Obstacles
  • Improve communication 

Dealing with Depression or Anxiety

  • Learn self-calming techniques
  • Focus on the present
  • Reconnect with life

The OTD, 710 Psychosocial students at Huntington University's Occupational Therapy Program visited Summit Equestrian Farm in Fort Wayne, Indiana, to learn about EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) Programs.  ​

Other Local Equine Programs &

Support Service Organization Links

"What does volunteering entail?"

Therapeutic riding services are led by a PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (www.PathIntl.org) who has completed extensive training in utilizing horseback riding activities to achieve specific therapeutic goals for individuals with unique needs. Our PATH Certified Instructors are not licensed therapists and do not provide clinical counseling services to riders. Unlike traditional riding lessons, volunteers assist the instructor in leading horses or assisting a rider's stability in the saddle.   Activities may include goals such as relationship building, self-confidence, communication and basic horsemanship.  Each therapeutic riding term occurs over a 10 week period.  During that period, each rider will work towards a therapeutic goal based on their individual needs and abilities.  Lessons available for ages 5 years and up.

Led by PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors. NOTCovered by major medical insurance.

The National Geographic Channel has featured Equine Assisted Therapy several times.  


Women & Family Services

  • Domestic Violence
  • Foster Families
  • Foster Children

Introducing ALPHA-Stim. Do you need a better way to relieve pain, control anxiety, fight depression, or treat insomnia? Maybe you’ve tried prescription medications, but they haven’t worked as planned. Perhaps you haven’t tried pills or shots yet because you have well-founded concerns about side effects, interactions, and even addiction.    

Treatment packages are now available at Healing Hoof Steps.  Visit www.Alpha-Stim.com to learn more about the benefits. Treatments range from 20-60 minutes each.

Couples Workshops

  • Reconnect with your partner
  • Strengthen your relationship
  • Tackle unresolved issues

Licensed mental health counseling.  Accepted by most major medical insurances.

                         HOOFSTEPS4HEROES launched in January of                           2021 to provide camaraderie, healing and self                               discovery to veterans from the saddle.  This program is made possible by the support of local organizations like Cox Communications, Defenders of Freedom Florida and HOPE Matters.  There is NO COST to veterans or first responders who qualify for our therapeutic riding program.

"What is Equine Therapy?"